There are two identifiers you can use to fetch a profile from The Swarm database:

  • Profile IDs (ids) previously received from Search endpoint

  • LinkedIn usernames (linkedinNames)

Using both will return a union of both lists after deduplication.

curl \
--location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: $API_KEY' \
--data \
  "ids": [
  "linkedinNames": [

By default the Fetch endpoint returns the connectors or team members connected to a given profile. If there is no team members connected to a profile the connections object is an empty array.

In the example below, the first profile is connected to one of the team members; the second one has no connectors.

curl \
--location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: $API_KEY' \
--data \
  "ids": [
  "results": [
      "id": "b8d4ba05-5158-4d80-a0a7-c8e650f7c95c",
      "connections": [
          "userId": "68576a63-c8c3-4c92-88e8-b89a532ae3fa",
          "userEmail": "",
          "userLinkedinName": "",
          "createdAt": "2024-03-22T15:15:17.525907Z",
          "sources": [
              "origin": "plugin",
              "network": "linkedin"
          "connectionStrength": 0.1084125480166015,
          "manualStrength": null,
          "strengthNormalized": 1
      "id": "569a18b6-6a04-4728-9034-ad6ae0537f09",
      "connections": []