Explore the detailed breakdown of each item model component, complete with properties and their descriptions.

Response Keys

The Profile JSON response is built around six core keys listed below:

idID of the person assigned by The Swarm that was previously returned by the /search endpoint.
profile_infoDetailed profile data, e.g. work experience, education, etc.
connectionsA list of Team Members that are connected to the person. A team member can be identified by their email address or LinkedIn user name (if added LinkedIn url at the registration)
listsA list of Lists that the person is assigned to along with the status in the List.
notesAll notes that have been added to the person by any of the team members
tagsAll tags assigned to the profile by any of the team members.

JSON Schema

Here is the full JSON Schema for the data model returned by the Fetch endpoint. This schema outlines the structure and data types of the JSON response, offering a clear and detailed blueprint of the profile model.

Profile Example

An example of the profile returned by the Profile Fetch endpoint is given below.